Advertising agency Logos Advertising agency

Strong branding will always rope 'em in!

Strong branding will always
rope 'em in!


Over time, brands get tired and listless.

Logo design is an art. And a science. Perceptions are all-important and dictate how your target market(s) see your brand.

In the same way one trades in a car for a better, newer model every so often, so there exists a need for the occasional revamping of one’s logo. This has everything to do with the need to stay relevant and putting a fresh face out into the market.

A logo that came across as vibrant, fresh and funky in 2001 may well have lost its lustre over the years and today appears like something out of a museum.

(Yes, I KNOW my website looks dated but this is by design!!).

Perceptions are all-important and ultimately dictate how your target market(s) see your brand. Logo design is, by its nature, subjective. Just because YOU like your logo doesn't mean that everyone will. So if you feel you’re in need of a new logo or are in the market for a simple logo refresh, it's often a good idea to take a step back and get insight from a good design agency (or me) and provide as clear a brief as possible.

When briefing your agency, point out what you like, and don’t like, in a logo. Whilst some may love intricate designs, beautiful typography or the colour purple, you may prefer a design from the 1940’s. Nothing wrong.

Talk to me. My details are on the CONTACT page.

In the meantime, here are a number of logos I've had a hand in, in the past.

TWOgether logomito-logo
Russina House
Party Packs and Pinatas
Storage Genie

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